A Touchingly Unexpected and Rewarding Story of How Four Sisters Discovered Each Other’s Existence Through a DNA Test

The word “selfie” was invented by a drunkard in 2002; by 2003, it became the word of the year. When people take selfies, the last thing on their mind is finding a sibling, let alone siblings, through a picture. This story revolves around how a simple selfie led to sisterhood.

In fact, this is an intriguing story of four sisters who didn’t even know the existence of their siblings. It revolves around a mother who gave up her first set of twin daughters for adoption and had another pair born later. It takes us through a series of events that led to their meeting.

No Possible Coincidences

Rachelle Arthur Dyer and Kristelle Arthur Harrington were enjoying themselves while taking a series of selfies. While taking them, they had no idea that the pictures, or at least one of them, would change everything in their lives as they knew it. After all, this has always been a regular activity for both of them.

These two sisters took the selfies and posted them where they usually would, not knowing that something much bigger was about to go down that they wouldn’t have been able to see under any circumstance. What could this be, and what effect could it have on their lives?

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