Eerie Pictures Captured Throughout History That Will Take Your Breath Away

Gorgeous ’70s Pacific Southwest Airline Crew

To increase ticket sales and enhance passenger comfort, airlines started recruiting flight attendants. The staff would typically be beautiful women who were dressed impeccably. When it came to dressing these women in the ’70s, Southwest Airlines indeed went above and beyond anyone’s expectations with their dressing.

The eye-popping brilliant pink outfits were intended to draw more clients’ attention and keep them coming back. This flight crew would make the trip memorable with their charm and attractiveness. Although it was not too difficult to get a position as a flight attendant, the selection process was drawn out and heavily centered on appearance.


A Golden 1967 Helen Mirren Photo

Actress Dame Helen Mirren has a long history in the business and is quite in demand. Her Scottish mother, Kathleen Rogers, and her father, Vasily Petrovich Mironov, a former Russian noble, are her parents. In her early 20s, she began her career in theater and on Broadway.

Her superb acting skills and adaptability helped her win several renowned performance honors. One of them was an Oscar nomination for her performance as Queen Elizabeth II in “The Queen.” This breathtaking image captures her natural beauty both then and now. The actress performed so well that she received a Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award in 2021.


Giuseppe Sanmartino’s Carved ‘The Veiled Christ’ from a Single Marble in 1753

This well-known artwork is situated in the middle of the Sansevero Chapel in Naples, Italy. Nowadays, “The Veiled Christ” is regarded as one of the most magnificent and well-known pieces of artwork in the entire globe. The life-size sculpture is constructed of marble and is veiled in a translucent covering of the same element.

The artwork was first commissioned by the prince by the artist Antonio Corradini in 1753. But after his death, Giuseppe Sanmartino was given full control of it. After assuming command, Sanmartino gave Corradini’s style scant consideration and added his own baroque flair instead. Some claimed he turned the sculpture to stone through alchemy.

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